Grand opera

美 [ɡrænd ˈɑːprə]英 [ɡrænd ˈɒprə]
  • 网络大歌剧
Grand operaGrand opera


U C大歌剧(无念白)
opera in which everything is sung and there are no spoken parts

  1. He was a man of catholic tastes , a lover of grand opera , history and the fine arts .


  2. One of the principal comedy companies of the day was playing an engagement at the Grand Opera House .


  3. Construction Technique of Steel Structure for Hangzhou Grand Opera Hall


  4. I sometimes think it 's like those moments in grand opera


  5. Nce a music teacher took her class to their first grand opera .


  6. Changes in relative prices since the time of Verdi mean that grand opera is now very expensive to perform .


  7. Rome does it as grand opera .


  8. Kangxi dynasties , frequent and grand opera activities , according to the data , performing plays mostly short commitment should be the highlights .


  9. Open Country , Zhang Qian and Cang Yuan can be viewed as peaks of creative attainment in the field of serious grand opera in the new era .


  10. On Friday , Mr. Huang is to be married in Houston to Sarah Ludwig , a violinist with the Houston Grand Opera .


  11. I sometimes think it 's like those moments in grand opera when the hero realizes he loves the heroine at the exact moment that she lies expiring on a divan .


  12. So polite and so impressible was monseigneur , that the comedy and the grand opera had far more influence with him in the tiresome articles of state affairs and state secrets , than the needs of all france .


  13. And at every opportunity , from the grand Opera Ball to the smallest of musical gatherings , Viennese swoon together in the city 's famously romantic waltz . Or they gather for dramatic musical stagings at the Staatsoper ( State Opera House ) , one of the world 's great opera venues .


  14. Main functions of Jiangsu Grand Theater include Opera House , Concert Hall , Drama House , Multifunctional Hall , Underground Garage , and supporting service facilities .
